Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Shopping

Today, was a very eventful day. This year, we spent our first black friday away from home sweet home (Missouri), and spent it in Kansas City. People there are so much nicer! Walmart at midnight is actually a decent place to be, minus the crazy people who feel that they MUST get the first $1.96 copy of Lord of the Rings or heaven almighty! - they'll die.

So to short it up: Things I Bought This Black Friday

- $1.96 movies
- The Box (saw it in theaters, only way I was going to own this was this sale ... it's not worth more than two bucks)
- Sex in the City (I actually think I own this at home - good movie though regardless)
- $12 Friends seasons 9 & 10
- $2.97: (2) crock pots, (1) hand mixer, food chopper
- 5$ Yahtzee

Overall: B - I think the sales could of done better. Where were the discounts on beauty products and CDs?

- $7.50 Vest (reversible)
- $39 Jewelry Armoir (steal! - I've always wanted one of these)

Overall: A - I have a feeling if I didn't roll up to Target at 1pm I would have gotten my five dollar scarves - In my defense though, I had planned on going to Target at 4am.

Kohl's: I skipped this store this year. So disappointing. You would think they would of had one good deal to drag me in there. Overall: F

Also went to the CCO out in KS (we don't have one in STL). Best buy - Heatherette bronzer!

Shopped at a lot more stores also, but nothing really worth mentioning. The one other thing I can think of would be the 10 drawer colored organizers that everyone uses were only 29.99 at the 'Nebraska Furniture Mart' - too bad I couldn't shove anything more in the car!

Happy Holidays everyone!

- Maddison