Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Review.. Current Nail Polish!

I'll get a picture shortly of the bottle, but I have on my nails currently, N.Y.C. (New York Color) 140B 'Empire State Blue'.

Overall, I like New York Color polish. First off, it's cheap. I get my bottles from Target for .99 cents. So basically, I just have to steal a little change from my friends to get a bottle:) It's also easy to go on, it isn't sticky or anything once it 'dries' like some of my other brands of polish.

There are some downsides though. I guess, not bad, just annoying. I had to put more than one layer on, which I HATE doing (just because I'm lazy), and its just a bit thick, but you can't really tell unless you're really analyzing like I was..

I also suck at painting my own nails, so sorry for the horrible paint job! But you can still see the color:)

Wow, I really need to lotion my hands..

These were the colors (bases and top coats) used for the nail pictured above:


  1. I heard the consistency of their polish is really terrible, is it true?

  2. If you shake it a bit, its not bad. It also depends on the color though..the lighter ones tend to be thinner I've noticed.. but, I guess you get what you pay for!

  3. love the color!! i love cheap finds too :)
